Aging is at the tipping point... healthcare is at stake. How will you or your media outlet cover this big story?
Some timely interview topics include:
Covid-19 and Aging
The Longevity Dividend
The New Moonshot: The 100-Year Life
Longevity Inequality: The Hidden Tragedy
Project Healthspan, seeking federal legislation setting healthy longevity to be a national priority, and promoting the development of interventions for preventing or delaying chronic diseases and extending healthy longevity​
Press/Media Inquiries
Are you working on any of these challenges to healthy longevity? We can provide you with backgrounders, interviewees, and insights.
EVIDENCE: Getting evidence that solutions work and are effective
Enable products to be tested quickly and efficiently
Devise ways that regulated products can be approved
Find tests that will help to approve products and monitor individual response
POLICY: Optimizing public-private policy
Establish a national policy for encouraging and achieving healthy longevity
Provide investment in research and development of healthy longevity solutions
Incentivize the healthcare system to target healthy longevity in everyday practice.
COMMERCIALIZATION: Aligning commerce/economics.
Enhance conditions for private investment
Develop alternatives for marketing health longevity products
Make the economic case to stimulate practical action and resources
BEHAVIOR: Addressing human behavior
Finding effective ways to get people to practice healthy habits
Figuring out how to reach the disadvantaged
Educating consumers and advisors to make evidence-based decisions
Useful Quotes: Dr. Alexander Fleming, metabolic expert, Chairman Kitalys Institute, Founder Kinexum:
“The overriding threat to humankind is that, without concerted action, strides in chronic disease prevention and increases in healthy longevity will take decades to achieve. Healthcare systems and economies across the globe will reach crisis points in the meantime.”
“We are facing existential health and economic threat. Ironically, stunning scientific advances offer potential solutions that can avert the crisis. We must tackle the challenges that stand in the way of converting science into solutions. We start by naming the challenges.”